There are a few things to keep in mind, whether you’re intending to leave LinkedIn or simply delete your account. Make sure you have a backup of all your data as your first priority.
Before removing it, create a backup.
Take a backup of your data before deleting it, whether you’re using a social media site or cancelling your account. You may download and preserve the data associated with your account from LinkedIn using the backup tool. Your mobile device also has access to this function.
How do I delete my LinkedIn Account?

Users of LinkedIn’s social networking platform can publish updates and comments. Using this function can help you expand your network and advance your career. You may also remove your account on LinkedIn using a function. The disadvantage of this function is that it will completely delete your account’s data. Take a time to double-check that you have backed up your data if you’re considering cancelling your account.
You can ask for a copy of your LinkedIn information as well. This will contain your account preferences, personal information, and profile image. In addition, you’ll receive an email confirming your request. It’s possible that a request to enter your LinkedIn password may appear.
Deactivate or hibernate your account.
In some circumstances, cancelling your LinkedIn account may be required, but you must consider the repercussions of doing so. For instance, after 14 days, you might not be able to renew your account. Data loss is another possibility. You might be able to temporarily disable and hibernate your account, though.
An excellent alternative to entirely cancelling your account on LinkedIn is the hibernate option. It is also a terrific approach to allow you some time to modify the communication settings on your account.
Hibernating your account will make your profile invisible to other users and search engines. Additionally, it will substitute an icon for your profile photo. There will be no loss of your comments or suggestions. However, messages sent to you by other users won’t be visible to you. You’ll lose endorsements as well.
By logging in once more, you may revive your LinkedIn account. You may also permanently close your account. Additionally, you can explain to LinkedIn why you want to delete your account. It can be due to worries about privacy. Additionally, you may report undesirable contacts and ban certain people.
Restore or reactivate a closed account
It takes little time to revive or recover deactivated or deleted LinkedIn accounts. However, there are several actions you may take to make sure you can get your account back.
Checking to see if your account has been deleted should be one of your initial actions. You won’t be able to activate your account again if it has been permanently deactivated. You may also ask for a copy of your LinkedIn data files, although this is not a comprehensive answer.
It is preferable to get in touch with LinkedIn Customer Service in order to revive a deactivated account. Once they have your email address, they will send you a link to reactivate your account. Before you can log into your account, you must verify that you received the email. You will need to get in touch with LinkedIn Customer Service once again if you do not get a reactivation email.
Reactivation is a rather easy process. You’ll receive an email from LinkedIn with a reactivation link in it. To access your LinkedIn account, you must click the link. After logging in, you will see a menu of choices. Choosing “Reactivate” will take you to a screen where you can complete a few fields.
Only the desktop is capable of merging connections.
It might be difficult to manage many LinkedIn accounts. It’s possible that a coworker of yours created a profile just for your husband. Or perhaps you lost track of your previous email address. However, there are solutions available. The idea of combining two LinkedIn accounts is a nice one. You can transfer your connections to your primary account while keeping access to the data already in your account.
You need access to your PC in order to integrate your LinkedIn account. This will be possible thanks to the LinkedIn logo. Additionally, you will need to know the email address that you registered with for the account.
You can download the information and files from the account you want to combine after you have the email address. The transfer of recommendations, bookmarked articles, and job ads is not possible. Additionally, you can revoke pending events, groups, and job posts. Additionally, you can close your account.