Get Toll-Free SBI Mini Statement Number, You receive information on balance changes after each transaction. You may seek information on the most recent transactions. Updating the passbook is the easiest method to learn about all of the transactions on your account. Another approach to obtain information about recent transactions is to go to an ATM and request a Sbi mini statement.
SBI Mini Statement Traditional methods of acquiring information about account transactions include updating the passbook at the bank and requesting a small statement. SBI developed smart banking choices with digitalized solutions to ensure client comfort.
SBI Mini Statement Number The largest public banking industry has just offered missed call banking services! If you have an account with State Bank of India, you may access the mini statement by dialling a certain number, and you will receive the small statement through SMS in response. You must first register your mobile number for the sbi fast missed call service before you can use it.
SBI Mini Statement by Missed Call, SMS, mPassbook
To obtain a Mini Statement, use the SBI toll-free number.
- Call 09223866666 from your phone.
- If you do not return a missed call, the call will be ended immediately.
- After a few seconds, you will receive an SMS with information on the latest five transactions in your account.
- You may also acquire mini statement information by sending an SMS to 09223866666.
- Send the text ‘MSTMT’ to the number.
- Within a few seconds, you will receive an SMS with the past five transactions information in your mailbox.
SBI मिस्ड कॉल, एसएमएस, एमपासबुक द्वारा मिनी स्टेटमेंट

Important: You must send the SMS or contact the dedicated number from your registered cell phone number.
You cannot use any cellphone number to access the service. It is required that you contact the number or send an SMS from your registered mobile number. Make sure your cellphone number is registered with the bank. The mobile number will be linked to your bank account, and you will be able to use the services immediately.
The number 09223866666 is a toll-free number, and you will not be charged by the bank to use the services. Account holders can call this number at any time and from any location to acquire information about the latest five transactions in their account. You may avoid using traditional techniques by dialling this toll-free number to obtain the mini statement.