Step by step instructions to Impede/Unblock Punjab and Sind Bank ATM Check Card, In Punjab and Sind Bank, the record holders and shoppers will find the administrations of ATM and charge card for simple and speedy banking. They are known to give a scope of banking administrations and offices to the buyers in the country.
In the event that you have account in Punjab and Sind Bank you will actually want to utilize ATM and charge card for cash exchanges and withdrawal from the ATM machine. The ATM card holders might confront different crises when the card is lost or taken.
PSB ATM Block Number

PSB ATM कार्ड ब्लॉक संख्या
To keep your record secured, it is vital to hinder the ATM or charge card in such crises. The record holders in Punjab and Sind Bank will actually want to involve the accompanying strategies for hot posting of the ATM card:
Make demand with client care administrations
The record holders will actually want to contact the client care specialist co-ops in Punjab and Sind Bank to make a solicitation to hinder the ATM or charge card. They are consistently accessible with great client care administrations for each record holder. You simply have to utilize the helpline numbers given underneath for it:
- 1800-103-2278
- 044-47415691
- 044-47415692
- 044-47415693
- 044-47415694
The client care chiefs of Punjab and Sind Bankare accessible day in and day out to give these client care administrations to each record holder.
Make demand with SMS administrations
The record holders of Punjab and Sind Bank can likewise make a solicitation to obstruct the ATM or check card by utilizing SMS administrations. You can send the SMS with the accompanying arrangement:
LOST <space> last 4 digits of your card number
Eg: LOST 1234
LOST <space> your 14 digits account number
Eg: LOST 123456789XXXXX
You will send this SMS to the contact number 9223815844 from your enrolled versatile number.
By visiting Punjab and Sind Bank office
In the event that any shopper can’t contact client care administrations for hotlisting of the ATM or charge card, he can likewise visit the part of Punjab and Sind Bank for this cycle. At the branch, you will fill the application structure to impede your ATM or charge card and submit it to the bank leader. They will physically finish the cycle to obstruct your card.
By utilizing web banking office
They are additionally giving the web banking office in Punjab and Sind Bank. You will actually want to ask for obstructing of your card with it. You simply have to involve the accompanying technique for it
- Visit the site connect
- Sign in to your web banking account with client ID and secret word
- Ask for hotlisting of your ATM or check card