Pujnab Scholarship 2025 Pre-Matric And Post – Matric Scholarship Online Apply last date Eligibility apply proceed Download Pseb.board.in, Welcome to Punjab the integrated e-Governance Portal for the automation, streamlining & effective management of processes related to application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of various scholarships to Students. This initiative is aimed to facilitate faster and efficient disposal of scholarship applications and timely payment of the scholarships to the students directly in their bank accounts.
Merit cum means scholarship scheme for minority in Panjab Candidates who are living in state and wants to submit their registration online for this scheme must have to follow the rules according to the department. See the below given eligibility details and Apply Last date information Details is below
- Department Name – Ashirwaad by Punjab Govt (Scholarship Registration Portal2025 )
- Official Website – www.punjabscholarships.gov.in
Eligibility Details:
Candidates need income certificate for under Rs. 2, 50000 (two lakh and fifty thousands) annual / per annum.
1. Applicants must be having their marks up to 50 percent in the last final written exam.
2. After passing each class the scheme will run in case of fail in any class it will stop automatically.
3. In the duration of course and having this scheme student is not able to apply for any other stipend.
4. It has given only to the candidates who are having residence proof of state and comes under the minority quota.
5. Applicants need all the documents of self certificate based for him/her and complete family.
How to Apply?
1.Applicants must go to the Punjab Scholarship official website.punjabscholarships.gov.in/
2.Get the application form and fill it in the prescribed format.
3.This filled form must be submit to the Secretary of the, Department of the Concerned State Government or UT Administration, Dealing with minority welfare, through the institutions where the students are pursuing technical or professional courses.
Official Website:www.punjabscholarships.gov.in/