How to Block & Apply for a Replacement Standard Chartered Credit Card The quick fix if your credit card is stolen or misplaced is to get it blocked. By blocking credit cards, you may protect yourself from potential account fraud. To ensure that you report credit card activity promptly, it is essential to keep an eye on it. For blocking your credit card, Standard Chartered Bank has offered 4 options.
How to Block Standard Chartered Credit Card
The bank’s procedures are simple ways for clients to block their Standard Chartered credit cards. Use one of Standard Chartered’s four suggested methods to report the loss or theft of your credit card to the bank right away and get it blocked;
There are many ways to ban your Standard Chartered Bank credit card:
- Using NetBanking at Standard Chartered Bank
- Using the Standard Chartered Bank app for smartphones.
- By using the Standard Chartered Bank Phone Banking
- By stopping by a Standard Chartered Bank branch.
The simplest way to block your credit card is through online banking. In only 3 steps, you may utilize your net banking account to secure a credit card:
- You must first go to the official Standard Chartered Bank website and sign in to your net banking account using your username and password.
- Pick ‘Help & Services’ from the list of alternatives.
- In the Card Management area, click on the ‘Report Lost/Stolen Card’ option and follow the on-screen directions.
When your card is blocked, a pop-up message will appear on your device’s screen, and a new card will be mailed to your registered postal address.
Use of a mobile device:
You must download the Standard Chartered mobile banking app and take the following actions:
- Launch the mobile banking application, then sign in to your account with your online banking login information.
- Select Help and Services.
- Go to the card management area, then select Report Lost or Stolen Card.
- Your credit card will be banned if you adhere to the on-screen instructions.
After blocking your original credit card, the bank will send you a replacement credit card to your address.
Mobile banking:
Customers of Standard Chartered Bank can also lodge their questions or grievances regarding credit cards via phone banking. To have their credit card banned if they misplace it, the cardholder can also use the phone banking option. Contact the bank by contacting the toll-free customer service number 1800-345-1000 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., then follow the instructions below.
- Dial the toll-free customer service line, and when the IVR asks for it, enter your 4-digit Telephone Identification line to confirm it.
- Follow the IVR’s additional instructions to ban your Standard Chartered Credit Card.
Bank branch of Standard Chartered:
- To submit your request for a credit card block, you can also go in person to the bank branch. Take the actions outlined below;
- Take the credit card block application from the nearby Standard Chartered Bank branch desk.
- Complete the form and deliver it to the local bank branch.