WB Pre-Matric Scholarship for Minority Students for 2025 . Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh and Parsee For Eligibility Apply Details

West Bengal Pre-Post-Matric Scholarship 2025 Apply Eligibility Last Date Details www.wbmdfc.org, National Merit Scholarship Scheme was introduced by Department of Education in 1961-62. It was available to brilliant but poor students from 10th and class XI to Post-Graduation level. In addition, a Scheme of Scholarship at the Secondary stage for talented children from rural areas was also introduced by Department of Education in 1971-72.

It was available to talented but poor students from rural areas from class VI to class XII. These two Schemes were merged and a single Scheme, namely, the ‘National Merit Scholarship Scheme’ was established by Department of Education for implementation from 2005-06. This was available to meritorious students from class IX to Post-Graduation level. However, since funds were not provided by the Planning Commission for the year 2007-08, the Scheme has been discontinued w.e.f. 1.4.2007. School Education has come under a new Department, namely, Department of School Education & Literacy w.e.f. the year 2007-08. The Department of School Education and Literacy has introduced a new Scheme: ‘National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme’.

This Scheme will cover students from class IX to XII. The Department of Higher Education has introduced a new scheme for meritorious students from low income families going to colleges / universities for implementation during the XI Five Year Plan period with an approved outlay of Rs. 1000 crore. This is a Central sector scheme titled “ Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students”.

The State Government has introduced from the academic year 2006-2007 a new scholarship scheme named ‘West Bengal Government Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme’ for providing financial assistance to the poor but meritorious students of the State pursuing higher studies at various post-Madhyamik levels.

Meritorious students coming from poor families, who are domiciled in West Bengal and have en¬rolled themselves in one of the State Govt., institutions or State Govt., aided institutions after passing out from the State Board/Council of Secondary/Higher Secondary Education or a State-aided Uni¬versity in West Bengal will be eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Rates And Quota Of W.B.G.M-C-M Scholarships

SI. No. Level Rate (per month) Quota Details
1. H.S. Rs. 500/- 1500
2. UG (Arts) Rs. 750/- 550
3. UG(Commerce) Rs. 750/- 150
4. UG (Science) Rs. 900/- 325
5. UG (Professional Courses other than Engg./Med.) Rs. 900/- 25
6. UG (Polytechnic) Rs. 750/- 100
7. UG (Engineering) Rs. 1400/- 200
8. UG (Medicine including MBBS,BDS,BHMS etc.) Rs. 1500/- 200
9. PG (Arts) Rs. 1200/- 300
10. PG (Commerce) Rs. 1200/- 100
11. PG (Science) Rs. 1400/- 225
12. PG (Professional Courses other than Engg./Med.) Rs. 1400/- 25
Total number of Scholarships = 3,700

The Eligibility Criteria are as follows:
1. He/ She must be the citizen of India and domicile of West Bengal.
2. His/ Her annual family income should not exceed Rs. 1.00 lakh.
3. He/ She should obtain minimum 50% marks in the last final examination.

Guidelines For The Sceme Of Scholarship For College And
University Students


To provide financial assistance to meritorious students from low income families to
meet a part of their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies.

  • SCOPE: –

The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of the results of senior secondary examination. 82000 fresh scholarships per annum [41000 for boys and 41000 for girls] will be awarded for graduate / postgraduate studies in colleges and universities and for professional courses, such as Medical, Engineering etc.


The total number of scholarships will be divided amongst the State Boards based on the State’s population in the age group of 18-25 years, after segregating share of CBSE and ICSE on the basis of number of students passing out from various Boards

In the country. 50 % of the scholarships would be earmarked for girls. The number of scholarships allotted to a State Board would be distributed amongst pass outs of the Science, Commerce and Humanities streams of the State Board in the ratio of 3:2:1.


Students securing a minimum of 80% of marks in class XII of 10+2 pattern or equivalent and not belonging to the creamy layer as defined by the Deptt. of Personnel and Training in their Notification No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT), dated 8.11.93 (Annexure IV), and as modified vide their OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res), dated 9th March, 2004 (Annexure V), and as may be further modified from time to time, pursuing regular courses (not correspondence or distance mode) from recognised educational institutions and not availing of any other scholarship scheme, would be eligible for
consideration this Scheme. This is applicable to all categories of students both ‘general’ and ‘reserved 5.1 Reservation
Students belonging to reserved categories / weaker sections/minorities are eligible on the basis of merit, subject to Central Reservation Policy and internal earmarking. The scholarship would be available to students belonging to ‘non-creamy layer’. As per the latest guidelines on the subject, the income-ceiling for ‘non-creamy layer’ is Rs. 4.5 lakhs per annum. At present, reservations for the various categories are as follows SC 15 % ST 71/2 % OBC 27 % and horizontally 3 % for Physically Handicapped in all the categories.

  • The examining bodies will draw up a merit list of scholars [Annexure – I] likely to be eligible for scholarship within five weeks after the results of the examinations announced by the Boards / Universities/Authority for all students. The income of the students’ parents will be taken into account before preparing the list.
  • The Boards/Universities/Authority in the State/Union Territory will write to the eligible students from the top of the merit list up to twice the number of scholarships available (to provide for possible refusal and ineligible cases) through a registered letter to confirm within 15 days whether he/she is prepared to accept the scholarship.
  • The candidates from whom replies are not received within 30 days of the State Board / CBSE / ICSE seeking their willingness will not be considered for scholarship and the award will be given to the next eligible candidates in the merit list.
  • The Boards/Universities in the State/Union Territory will send to each candidate shortlisted for consideration for award of scholarships the following :

(a) Entitlement Card
(b) Income Affidavit form
(c) A Form for ‘Statement of Particulars’.

The shortlisted scholars shall present the Entitlement Card (Annexure-II), Income Affidavit form (Annexure-III) and Statement of Particulars (Annexure-IV) duly filled-in to the Head of the Institution joined by him/her. The Head of the Institution will complete the Entitlement Card and send it to the concerned State Board, CBSE, ICSE, as the case may be. On receipt of the ‘joining report’ alongwith the completed ‘Statement of Particulars’ and ‘Income Affidavit, the concerned Board wil then compile the list of scholarship awardees of that Board on the basis of merit, eligibility criteria and reservation guidelines of the Central Govt. and send the same to the National Scholarship Division of MHRD, Department of Higher Education which will arrange to pay the scholarship to the scholar through a designated bank. The Name, Address for communication and details of bank account of the student in which the scholarship is to be paid, is to be furnished by the Baord alongwith the list. If the concerned Board does not receive the joining report from the candidate duly
signed by the Head of Institution, within 30 days from the date of closure of admission in the Institution, the case for award of scholarship to him/her will not be considered. The scholarship will then be offered to the next eligible candidate in the merit list.


The rate of scholarship would be Rs.1000/- p.m. at Graduation level for first three years of College and University courses and Rs.2000/- per month at Post- Graduation level. Students pursuing professional courses would get Rs.2000/- per month in the 4th and 5th year. The scholarship would be paid for 10 months in an academic year.


Scholarships will be paid only to those students who belong to non-creamy layer as defined by the Department of Personnel & Training in their Notification No. 36012 / 22 / 93 – Estt. [SCT], dtd. 8.11.1993 and as modified vide their O.M. No. 36033 / 3 / 2004 / Estt. [Res] and as may be further modified from time to time and not availing of any other scholarship scheme. At present, the income-ceiling is Rs. 4.5 lakhs per annum. A fresh income certificate each year will not be called for, provided the scholar fulfils all other terms and conditions stipulated for the renewal.


A scholarship under the scheme is renewable from year to year upto Post Graduate level in the same stream. For all professional courses, scholarship will be renewed till the graduation level of that course. For all the courses the scholarship would be renewed uptio a maximum of five years. The renewal will depend on promotion to the next class provided the scholar secures 60% or more marks or equivalent Grade Point Average in aggregate for the two preceeding semesters or of the annual examination which determines his promotion to the next class. It will also be subject to discipline
and maintenance of attendance of at least 75% by the scholar. Complaints against the scholars regarding indiscipline including any complaints of having indulged in ragging would lead to forfeiture of scholarship.

If a scholar is unable to appear in the annual examination owing to illness and or on account of any unforeseen event, the award may be renewed for the next academic year on submission of medical certificate and other proof to satisfy the Head of the Institution who will certify that the student would have passed with 60% or equivalent Grade Point Average, had he appeared in the examination. If a scholar gives up the chosen course of study before its completion or if he changes the course of study without the approval of the MHRD the scholarship will be cancelled. Good conduct and regularity in attendance as mentioned above are also required for continuance of the scholarship. The decision of the MHRD will be final and binding in all such matters. Scholarship once cancelled will not be revived under any circumstances.


Scholarship will be paid to the selected students directly by the Central Government
into a Bank Account opened by them.
The payment of scholarship will start from the month the admission is obtained.
The scholarship will be paid for a period maximum of upto 10 months in an academic

More Details for Searching is Official web site in www.wbmdfc.org

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