Prerana scholarship Apply Online Post-Matric & Pre-Matric Scholarship Registration 2024 Scheme for ST, SC & OBC/SEBC Community Students

Prerana scholarship Apply Online Post-Matric & Pre-Matric Scholarship Registration 2024 Scheme for ST, SC & OBC/SEBC Community Students Odisha Pre and Post Matric Scholarship 2024 For Minority Students 2024 Apply / Eligibility last Date Details 

Prerana scholarship Apply Online Post-Matric & Pre-Matric Scholarship Registration 2024 Scheme for ST, SC & OBC/SEBC Community Students

User Manual For Institution Objectives

  • Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme has been solely put forth to offer financial support to the economically weaker students from the ST, SC & OBC/SEBC Communities.
  • This scheme offers Scholarships for the students to pursue Professional and Non-Professional courses after Matriculation.
  • The main objective of this integrated e-Governance Portal is for the automation, streamlining & effective management of processes related to application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of Post-Matric Scholarships to Students .
  • This initiative is aimed to facilitate faster and efficient disposal of scholarship applications and timely payment of the scholarships to the students, directly in their bank accounts.

Main features

Prerana scholarship Apply Online Post-Matric & Pre-Matric Scholarship Registration 2024 Scheme for ST, SC & OBC/SEBC Community Students

e-Scholarships for Post-Matric (PRERANA ) is a Web Based Application, which has the following features

  • Students can fill in their application online, from anywhere anytime.
  • Students can view the status of the scholarship application.
  • Introduction of Bar-coding to filter out fake application.
  • SMS and e-mail alerts are sent to the Stake Holders- Institution and Students.
  • Auto & bulk processing of Scholarship application by the Institute.
  • Easy Scholarship sanctioning process for Sanctioning Authority.
  • Auto disbursal of Scholarship to Student’s Bank Account.
  • Easy monitoring of Scholarship by the Department and State Authority.

Starting operation

  • For processing of Post-Matric Scholarship Applications and other Post-Matric Scholarship activities, Institute has to
  • Open the browser and enter the URL , which will display the home page of the Post Matric e-scholarship portal (Prerana).
  • Institute can log-in by using the Institute/User ID and Password provided to them by District Welfare Officer (DWO)/Department. (In case of non-receipt of log-in account, Institute can contact DWO of the concerned District).
  • User has to click on the “Authorities Login” from the menu, displayed on top of the page.
  • Then enter the Institute-ID , Password and the displayed Captcha Code, and click on login. (Example : ins2949, ins2949*123, SD5K)
  • On all correct entries for login, the Institute Welcome page of the Scholarship Portal is displayed
  • User Management :- For change of the provided Password and Registration of Data Managers/Cyber Café user has to select “User Management” option.
  • To change the Password, click on “Change Password” from User Management. Enter the Current Password, then New Password (two times) and then click on “Change Password” button.
  • In case there is need for offline entry of Scholarship Applications by Data Entry Agency, the Agency name has to be registered with Institute. Click on “Register Data Managers/Cyber Cafe” and enter the details of the Data Entry Agency.

Institute Administration This option can be used for

  • Registration of Institute Profile, Scheme-wise Bank Account Details of the Institute, Courses run by Institute, Course-wise Fee structure etc.(Institute should ensure that all these registration are complete before proceeding for Registration/ Processing of Application.)
  • To update the Bank details and Mobile number of the students
  • To import the details of Sanctioned Students of Academic year 20114-15 for renewal of Scholarship in Academic year 2016

Prerana scholarship Apply Online Post-Matric & Pre-Matric Scholarship Registration 2024 Scheme for ST, SC & OBC/SEBC Community Students

  1. Institute Profile Registration :- Details about the Nodal Officer for Scholarship, Institute Address and Contact numbers are to be registered.
  2. Bank Account Registration :- For each of the Post-Matric Scheme (SC,ST,OBC/SEBC & Minority), Institute has to register the Bank Account details. Institute has to select the Scheme name and then enter the IFSC Code of the Branch of the Bank and Bank Account Number
  3. Registration of Course :- All the courses run by the Institute should be registered to enable the Student to select the course at the time of Online registration.User has to select the “Course Type” from the drop-down list and click on “Show the Courses and Branches”. Portal will display the available Courses and Branches, under the selected Course Type (yet to be registered with the Institute) and the Courses & Branches already registered by the Institute, under the selected Course Type To register a new Course/Branch from the displayed list, click in the box shown against the Course Name and Branch Name and then click on “Register selected courses with Institute”. The process is to be repeated for all Course-type ( i.e. Professional Graduation Course, Professional P.G. Course etc.), that is being run by the Institute.
  4. Course Fee Structure Registration :- Registration of Course fee is to be done by the Institute for each course and branch, registered with the Institute. This will help the Institute for auto assignment of different fee at the time of processing of Scholarship application for calculation of Scholarship amount.
  5. User has to select the Academic Year, and then the registered Course & Branch. Click on “List of fee Heads” button for display of Fee Heads, against which the fee amount is to be entered.Institute has to register Course fee for all the registered courses/Branch.Updation of Course fee :- To update the registered course fee, Institute can use this option. User has to select the Academic Year, and then the registered Course & Branch. Click on “List of fee Heads” button for display of Fee Heads, which has to be updated.
  6. National Informatics Centre, Orissa State Centre, Bhubaneswar Page 12 Institute Notice Management :- Institute can upload important messages on its home page using this option. All the notices that are added on this page will be automatically published on the institute home page.
  7. Institute has to enter the Text to be displayed against Institute Notice. For the notice to be automatically published in the Institute WebPortal, next option is to be selected as “Yes”.
  8. Whenever Institute decides to discontinue display of the notice, “Edit Institute Notice” option should be used to update the entry of “Publish on Institute Scholarship Portal ?” to “No”.
  9. Updation of the Bank Account details of Applicant :- On request from the applicant, Institute can update Applicant’s Bank Account details. Click on “Update Students Bank Account Details” and then enter the Applicant ID of the student, whose bank account details is to be updated.The required Bank Account Details can be modified and then “Update Bank Details” button to be clicked.
  10. Updation of the Mobile Number of the Applicant :- On request from the applicant, Institute can update Applicant’s Mobile Number entry. Click on “Update Students Mobile Number Then enter the Applicant ID of the student, whose mobile number entry is to be updated, and click on “Edit Details” for display of existing mobile number.The displayed mobile number can be modified and then “Update Details” button to be clicked.
  11. Importing details of sanctioned students of (2016-15) for renewal Click on “Import Sanctioned Students of (2016-15) For Renewal” from Institute Administration option and then select the scheme for which you want to import the scholarship details for renewal.When “Display Application” button is clicked, the list of sanctioned applications for the selected category will be displayed on the screen.Click on “Import Application” button displayed against the application, whose details is to be renewed. Details of the selected application are displayed for renewal.
  • Certain details like Adhar Card Number, Course Year, Admission date for current Academic year, % of Marks obtained in last Examination, Whether Hosteller or Day Scholar, Date of Admission to Hostel and Caste Certificate Issuing Authority, can be entered/modified. After making the required entries click on “Renew Application” button. The renewed application will be placed under pending for processing by Institute.
  • Registration of Scholarship Application :- Scholarship portal provides option for Off-line entry of the Scholarship Application for Students, in case student is unable to make Online registration and submits printed copy of the application directly at the Institute.
  • User has to click on the option for New Application Registration from the top menu and select the scholarship scheme under which application will be registered.
  • After selection of Scheme, click on “Register Scholarship Application for above selected criteria” button and enter the details of the Applicant.
  • The Scholarship amount is to be transferred directly to Students Bank account. So the Student has to open his/her account in a Bank having Core Banking facility and enter the IFSC code of the Branch of the Bank, along with Bank Account Number. In case no idea about the IFSC Code of the Branch, student has to click on “If you does not know IFSC code then Click here”, which will display the IFSC code Site. You have to mention Bank Name, State, District and then the Branch name, so that the IFSC site can display the required IFSC Code.
  • After making entry in all the columns, click on “Register Scholarship application form”.
  • [ In case of display of red cross sign(x) against any entry, correct the entry and then click on “Register Scholarship application form”.]
  • On all correct entries, the application will be saved and portal will display the message. The portal will display the Applicant Id and Applicant-ID with Password is sent to the applicant through SMS.For updating the application details, user has to select “Edit/Lock Application” option from top menu and then click on “Edit Application” for the application to be edited.
  • All details except category can be edited. After updation, click on “Update All Details”, so that the edited details are saved. User has to click on “Lock Application” option to forward the application to Institute, so that it will be available for processing of Scholarship.
  • Scholarship Application Processing :- Processing of pending applications for scholarship can be done by selecting this option. This option provides facility to the Institute to view the pending applications, accept or reject it, generate draft proposal and generate the final proposal to be sent to DWO for sanction of Scholarship.
  • Process Received Application” option can be used for display of applications Pending for processing, Accepted by Institute, Permanently Rejected, Temporarily Rejected, Locked for Sanction.
  • User can select Scheme, Course, Branch, Gender, Category & Religion for display of the applications satisfying the selected criteria. Click on Pending button for display of all/selected pending applications.
  • User has to click on “Process Application” button shown against each pending application, so that each application is processed separately.
  • Portal displays details of the Applicant and provides provision for processing (Accept/Reject) and to update certain details of the applicant (if requested).
  • In case institute finds all the details of the applicant satisfying criteria for acceptance, user has to click on “Accept” button.
  • Maintenance fee and Total Reimbursable Tuition fee (as registered by Institute) will be displayed. User has to enter number of months for which maintenance fee will be paid to the applicant (depending upon Date of Admission of the Student).
  • Click on “Total Other Fee” box, so that the portal will display all the Fee heads against which amount will be entered.
  • Portal displays the registered amount against each head, user has option to enter the same amount against each head or change the figure (if required). Click on “Close” . After entering the Remarks, user has to click on “Accept Application with above details”, on which the status of application is changed to “Draft Proposal”.
  • In case the details of application is found to be not satisfactory or non-attachment of required documents, Institute can reject the application Permanently or Temporarily depending on the reason of rejection.
  • User has to click on “Reject Application” and then select the “Rejection Type” and “Remarks” from the displayed list. In case of Temporary rejection, the application sent back to Students login dashboard for editing. Student can edit the application/ attach required documents and then “Lock” it again for Online submission at the Institute.
  • Processing (Acceptance/Rejection) of all the pending applications should be completed before proceeding for locking of Draft Proposals.Separate Draft proposals (for accepted applications) are generated Category-wise & Application Type wise, as example Sc-New, Sc-Renewal, St-New, St-Renewal etc.
  • Institute can also update “Personal Details”, “Address Details”, “Application Details”, ”Bank Details” of the applicant (except category and Institute name).
  • “Income and Caste Certificate” option can be used for display/uploading of scanned copy of both the Certificate in PDF format.
  • Browse and select the Scanned copy of the Caste Certificate, in PDF format, and click on “Open”. After selecting the file to be uploaded user has to click on “Upload Caste Certificate”. On successful uploading of Copy of Caste Certificate, Click on “Large View” for display of caste certificate uploaded to Scholarship Portal. (Same procedure for uploading of Income Certificate)
  • After “Accepting” applications, user can update the fee details entered at the time of acceptance or lock the proposal, so that the applications will be made available to DWO for sanction.
  • For updation of Fee details, click on “Process Received Applications” and then on “Draft Proposal” .
  • Click on the “Process Application” button shown against the application in which the fee is to be edited. Then click on “Update Fee Details” from the menu displayed on the right side of the screen.
  • Update the required fee heads and click on “Update” button to save it. User has to select “View/Print/Lock Draft Proposal” to Lock the accepted applications for preparation of Locked Proposal and Online transfer of Application details to DWO login for final sanction of Scholarship.
  • Institute can view details of individual application being forwarded to DWO, by clicking on “View Details”.
  • Click on “Lock Proposal and send it for Sanction” for generation of Locked Proposal.
  • After locking of Draft Proposal, user has to take print out of the generated “Locked Proposal”. For that select “View/Print Locked Proposal” from top menu.
  • Click on “Print Proposal” button displayed against the proposal to be printed. Portal will display the Proposal in PDF format.
  • User can click on “Open” for display of proposal. “Save” option can be selected to save the generated proposal in system for future use.
  • Institute has to take print out of the generated Proposal, sign it and send it to DWO ( along with the applications forwarded in the proposal) for final sanction of Scholarship.
  • Upload Institute Photo :- Institute has to make use of this option to upload one(1) photograph of the Institute to the portal, which will be displayed in the Institute Home Page of the Scholarship Portal.
  • The image file should be in JPG/JPEG/PNG format and size of the file should be less than 500 kb.
  • Click on “Browse” and select the file name to be uploaded.
  • Then click on “Upload Institute Image” for uploading of the selected file to the Portal in

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