Mizoram Scholarship Board Diteils is Provider / Scope / Eligibility / Distribution / Earmarking for Girl Students / Selection Procedure / Duration / Rate of Scholarship / Implementing / Agencies / Conditions for Scholarship / Renewal of Scholarship / Mode of Applying / Monitoring & Transparency / Evaluation / For more details is www.momascholarship.gov.in
The Mizoram Scholarships Board has started functioning in the year 1959 under the administrative control of School Education. After trifurcation of Education Department, the Mizoram Scholarship Board has been attached to Schools and Higher & Technical Education.
1. Background
- “The key to empowering the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes is to provide Tribes is to provide top class education opportunities to meritious students. The Three on-going scholarship scheme for SC/ST students under the Central plan-pre-matric, post-matric and merit–based-will continue.
- To provide an added incentive. I propose a new windows a short list of institutes of excellence will be notified, and any SC/ST student who secures admission in one of those institute will be awarded a larger scholarship that will meet the requirements for tuition fees, living expenses, books and a computer
- Accordingly, the Minister of Tribal Affairs had a re-look at the critical gaps in quantity education and draft a more liberal scholarship scheme in consonance with the budget speech, which can take care of the quality education for the ST students. It was considered apt to provide the new window to cover the funding for quality education to ST students up to degree/post degree level without any burden on the pupils or their family.
- The scholarships are open to nationals of India.
- These scholarships will be given for the study of all recognized post matriculation for post-secondary courses pursued in recognized institutions with the following exceptions Scholarships are not awarded for training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses and Private Pilot Licence courses, courses at Training – Ship Dufferin (Now Rajendra),courses of training at the Military College, Dehradun and courses at pre-examination training centres of all India and State levels.
- Only those candidates who belong to Scheduled Tribes so specified in relation to the State/Union Territory to which the applicant actually belongs (i.e. permanently settled) and who have passed the Matriculation or Higher Secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education, will be eligible.
- Candidates who after passing one stage of education are studying in the same stage of education in a different subject e.g. I.Sc after I.A. or B.Com after B.A. or M.A. in other subject will not be eligible.
- Students who, after having completed their educational career in one professional line, wish to study for another profession e.g. LLB after B.T./B.Ed. will not be eligible. From the academic year 1980-81, however, studies in two professional courses are allowed.
Fresh Scholarship Apply date Only Expected
- Advertisement of Merit-cum means based scholarship scheme: March,2025
- Last Date for submission of Online applications: September,2025
- Last Date for submission of duly signed online applications: October,2025
- Last date for scrutiny of online applications: October,2025
- Generation of merit list and submission of fresh proposals by State Department: November to November,2025
Renewal Scholarship Date
- Last date for submission of Online applications: December,2025
- Last date for submission of duly signed printed version of online renewal application: 10th January,2025
- Scrutiny of online applications:16th January to January,2025
- Submission to the renewal proposals by State Department between January to February,2025 ,